New year, new weight loss scams (2025)

Charlene J Cole

January 03, 2024

This is a great, informative effort. Thank you so much

Janet Bohl

January 02, 2024

The Kelly Clarkson gummies is a SCAM. I got charged $196.00 & can't get a refund, even though it said if not satisfied for any reason can get a full refund in 30 days!

Teresa Honeycutt

January 03, 2024

In reply to The Kelly Clarkson gummies… by Janet Bohl

Yes same SCAM for me just a different scammer. I bought Keto Gummies thru an Instagram ad that was being promoted by Shark Tank. Obviously it was an AI lie. I was overcharged $198 and called immediately. The customer service person did credit me with $100. I also was told I could return (fully guaranteed). Not so! I filed a claim with my credit card company and nothing was done even after I provided emails. So then I filed a report here with the Federal Trade Commission. Nothing happened here either. The ads are still circulating Instagram just different scammers. How can these people continue to scam unsuspecting people and get by with it?? I report every fake/fraudulent ad I see to Instagram as a scam but another one pops up!

Michael Muldoon

February 09, 2024

In reply to Yes same SCAM for me just a… by Teresa Honeycutt

The problem is International law. If a scammer lives in another country and you live in another country your laws don’t affect the scammer who lives in another country. And therefore no prosecution can take place.

Emily post

February 12, 2024

In reply to Yes same SCAM for me just a… by Teresa Honeycutt

Thx for your honesty on reporting this..I fell for the same ad…when I got my jars of yellow gummies, what happened to all the colors they advertise?..I sent an email to the one they gave us, and it wasn’t working….sent an email to another one and they won’t answer back..questioned them on the FB site, and they won’t post it, says it’s pending…you pay all that money for sugar & syrup, according to the label….i truly hope you get/ got your $100 back…while reading different posts, one keeps calling back, and they told one lady “ oh, it’s going out today”… it’s been 2 weeks and she is still waiting..

Sheila Rodriguez

March 04, 2024

In reply to Thx for your honesty on… by Emily post

I need my money

In reply to Thx for your honesty on… by Emily post

I am relieved to hear this only because I was feeing quite dumb. The same fact thing happened to me. I got the all yellow gummies made of apple cider vi what and sugar. The email was not even valid anymore and unable to reach anyone by phone. Atleast I know that I got scammed and will be more diligent in researching from now on.

Mz Jaybee

February 05, 2024

In reply to The Kelly Clarkson gummies… by Janet Bohl

These scams put disclaimers in tiny print. Their "refund if not satisfied" has conditions ("terms apply") that are buried in so-called "privacy" declarations. One trick is they tell you (if you can find it!) "using this website constitutes a contract with you the purchaser." They sell. We buy.

No, you won't get a refund. You will get a runaround. If you request a refund they may tell you "yes, within 7-10 business days" and the only thing you will get is a new shipment!

So what's the cure? Once you've clicked and are charged report your card "lost or stolen" then promise yourself you'll never ever sign up for a "trial" anything. They are traps. Typically they take between 3 to 4 months to "help you" and then you may only get a portion of your money refunded--if at all.

The bank won't help you if you just report you've signed up for one product and been charged for something altogether different because (remember this one) "You willingly gave the company your payment information and you 'signed a contract' aka "a promise to purchase."

Report your card lost or stolen. Don't bother opening a dispute which can take anywhere from 30 to 180 days to "settle."

Kristine Flynn

March 08, 2024

In reply to The Kelly Clarkson gummies… by Janet Bohl

I just got ripped for 169.00 for two bottles third was free I can't get pills our money for them Bach need surgery and need to lose 78 plbs I'm disabled and in a wheel chair what a rip off to take advantage of people they should be ashamed of themselves

Alex Stevens

March 11, 2024

In reply to The Kelly Clarkson gummies… by Janet Bohl

I got ripped off for 250 bucks from this same add last weekend!


January 02, 2024

What about the latest tv commercial that touts the use of semaglutide (which is meant for type 2 diabetes) as a weight loss drug. There are many side effects, none of which are too very pleasant. Where is the government watchdogs when these drugs go in a very different direction?

Jacquelyn Hammans

January 09, 2024

I have a thought as to how people are opening the door to these weight loss ads that are taking over their Facebook feed. I had a lady that I worked with post something about, “if you can find the missing number, I am going to gift the first person that responds with something. I didn’t trust her so I didn’t respond. But two other mutual friends did and now they are getting those weight loss ads on their Facebook feed. Just wondering if this woman is some how getting paid by the weight loss company for getting people to put these ads on Facebook? The people that it has happened to, don’t even know that they have been scammed. One of my friends asked her about it and she said she had been hacked. But she is back at it again tonight. She has no job and is always asking to borrow money. So I figure there has to be a payoff for doing this!


January 11, 2024

I really appreciate all the FTC's efforts on cracking down on the charlatans in healthcare. We need you TY


January 29, 2024

In reply to I really appreciate all the… by Niurka

So why am I still getting flooded with Kelly Clarkson?

Mz Jaybee

February 05, 2024

In reply to So why am I still getting… by Sharon

You gave them your payment information. The other trick they use is the order # is 800. They won't help you with refunds, complaints, etc. For that you call a toll number and get to listen to "Your call is very important to us. Please wait on the line for one of our customer service agents." The message repeats and you never get to speak to an agent.

The only thing you can do to stop being charged and stop receiving products is report your card lost. The instant you do that your card will be disabled and you'll wait to receive a new one via snail mail.

If you have automatic payments attached to your card you'll start to receive emails or phone calls about your card being "declined." The vendor may even charge you a "missed payment" fee. To prevent this from happening contact the vendor(s) to provide another payment method a.s.a.p.

Cheryl Dillinger

February 09, 2024

In reply to So why am I still getting… by Sharon

How can I get Kelly Clarkson off of my feed on Facebook? I am blocking and snoozing her ads 25 times a day

Judith Laurie

February 20, 2024

Thank you for having this website and to help clear up the verbiage used by all of these companies, not to mention all the money I have saved!


February 22, 2024

I ordered one bottle for 39.99 i was charged 239.99. They would not answer my emails. My bank could not stop the payment.. it's robbery. Will never order anything from the FB site again

Melisa P

March 11, 2024

In reply to I ordered one bottle for 39… by Jacquie

I had the same thing happen, but my bank stopped payment and issued a fraud alert. Because I pressed 2 from the fraud alert received via text that I didn’t approve anyone to take $239.99 out of my account, so they stopped the transaction immediately and then the very next day that company changed there name and put it through my account under a completely different name. So they got the $239.99

When I called the fraud department the first time they should’ve immediately stopped my card and had a new one sent out but because they insisted that they stopped payment to that individual that I should have no worries with having to get a new card. However that next day because she opened my card back to normal they were able to access my account again and put it through for $239.99. The bank also should’ve had a system in place that stopped that transaction as it was listed under fraud the night before on the same amount. They should have known that it Wa afraid as they did the night before.

However, at this point my bank is disputing it and I’m getting a new card but I still haven’t been credited back my money that I lost to a fraudulent company.

They will charge your card daily under different names, different companies who are all on the Better Business Bureau as scammers

I cannot believe they’re allowed to get away with this as they continue to do it.

Be cautious and careful and immediately get a new card if you have any fraudulent activities on your card or accounts.


March 25, 2024

In reply to I ordered one bottle for 39… by Jacquie

Same and I was at the bank within 30 minutes and they tried to take out money 4 more times but I already had them stopped after they took out $260.00

Claudette Davis

February 26, 2024

Very helpful

Roger Toth

March 04, 2024

I was triple charge after making my purchase and contacted my bank/visa card and they canceled the payment right away.
The received gummies even though my payment was canceled and they did nothing. I workout every day and still nothing.

Virginia Sowell

March 07, 2024

How can Kelly Clarkson go on participating in the scam? Clearly, gummies aren't the way she lost weight.

C Jones

March 11, 2024

In reply to How can Kelly Clarkson go on… by Virginia Sowell

It's NOT Kelly Clarkson! It's an AI scam. Same with Oprah and Shark Tank ads. They are victims too. Social media's algorithm is designed to feed you more and more of what you briefly look at. Beware!

Kristine Flynn

March 08, 2024

I ordered Kelly Clarkson haven't got pills but they took my money fast and no answer to me about the pills or money back I'm disabled and a senor


March 15, 2024

In reply to I ordered Kelly Clarkson… by Kristine Flynn

Same thing happened to me. I’m also a senior and disabled. Took pills for over a month and did not lose anything. Not a single pound I don’t usually fall for scams but I’m so desperate to lose some weight that I took a chance. And I stupidly believed in her. And lost over$250. Dollars , not pounds. Good luck to you.


March 11, 2024

I was scammed also. I don’t understand why celebrities don’t warn people though. If they even do a one minute spot on some of the mainstream news it would stop thousands of their fans from being scammed !

New year, new weight loss scams (2025)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.