The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


Caress 12. Window section 13. Solitary 14. Salutation 15. Dismounted 16.

Seed covering 17. Thing, in law 18. A tissue 19. Clear, as profit 20. Rave 21.

Ignited 28. Female sheep 25. Prairies 28. Dedicate 32. Girl's name 38.

Charles Lamb 34. Ejected. 37. Pantry 39. Period of time 40.

Summer, in France 41. Public vehicles 4. New Zealand bird 12 15 By Eugene Sbeffer 46. To fasten VERTICAL 11. Examina50.

Native 1. Petty tion metal quarrel 12. Venerated 51. Male 2. Wan 22.

At home offspring 8. Dye indigo: 24.: Book by 52. Heal 4. Makes Charles A 53. Size of coal requital.

Lindbergh 54. Diminutive 5. Factories, 25. In favor of suffix 26. Mr.

Gehrig 55. Famous 6. Learning 27. Donkey school 7. Combined 29.

Ancient 56. Sailor 8. Honey 30. Cravat 57, Philippine 9. Turkish 31.

Auditory peasants coin organ 58. Puts on 10: Equal 35. Symbol for erbium 36. Former Answer to yesterday's puzzle.) U.S. DAM PART PLOT 87.

Lets Territory ARA OLIO REDO 38. Near MANITOBA ADEN 41. Early. ELEVEN SLY Egyptian ONE TASTES 42. Scope SPORT BEG RAN 43.

Wild animal MANY TOR 45. Within: ORE NOG GOOSE comb. GAOLER EON form RUGATE 47. By onself: ARM comb. SPAT EMANATED form HOVE NATO OLE 48.

Press APER TROD MAN 49. Optical glass Average time of solution: 36 minutes. 51. Harden 10 13 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 MO 42 43 44 46 47 50 52 53 54 55 58 11-20 CRYPTOQUIPS SMEN IMFEN IVS SOYTHE VGYTF UHTGTH GOWW IMH UVVWE. Yesterday's Cryptoquip PLEASANT PEASANT COMRADES WELCOMED WANDERERS.

1968, King Features Syndicate, Inc.) Miniskirt Lass Offered Aid Quickest LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) Standing forlornly beside an automobile stalled just off the Pacific Coast highway stood, on different days: (1) a shapely lass of. 19 in a miniskirt and (2) a grandmotherly type of 75. It was a test of who does best among ladies in distress. Within three minutes after pretty Temre Jaco took up her position beside the car the first of a parade of males stopped to try to rescue her.

Each time the scene was restaged at a different location, she had an offer of assistance within three minutes. But 17 minutes went by before the first good Samaritan stopped for the older hitchhiker, Ula B. Scanlon. The Long Beach 1 Independent Press- Telegram staged the test. A photographer lurking on the other side of the heavily traveled highway reported he got finger cramps from snapping pictures of.

males who wanted to help Miss Jaco. Her offers included one of a ride, "They were all nice," she reported. "I think people are willing to get involved." A junior at California State College in Long Beach, she conceded that the miniskirt encouraged involvement. -Mrs: Scanion drew Sir Galahads, after the initial try, at an average of one every eight minutes. She said her would-be helpers were nice, too.

As to the comparative roadside fortunes, she offered this philosophical comment: "That's show business. The young ones have more to 1 show than the old ones." Use Owner-Sampler or Dairy Herd Improvement Association production as a guide to, culling your dairy cows, suggest University extension dairy scientists. Endangered Airliner With 70 Lands Safely DENVER: Colo. (AP) An explosion and fire endangered Continental Airlines 707 jetliner as it approached Denver Tuesday carrying seven crewmen and 63 passengers, including Sen. Clifford Hansen, R- Wyo.

The fire was put out: and when the plane descended from 18,000 feet and landed safely on a foam-covered runway, FBI agents arrested one passenger, Lawrence B. Havelock, 47, of Lake George, Colo. "It was like a sonic said Helga Wood, 31, a hostess. "Like the whole tail was blowing off." "The smoke got so bad felt like kicking out a said Hansen who was bound for a speaking engagement in Lander, Wyo. "We don't know what caused it," the senator said, "although there was speculation saboteurs were aboard." Havelock was arraigned before a U.

S. commissioner in Denver on charges of violation of destruction statute and was held in lieu of $10,000 bail. He sobbed during the hearing, and said he was tired and "a little upset." Mrs. Havelock said her hus. band had undergone follow-up surgery about three weeks ago in connection with earlier 'removal of a tumor from beneath his skull.

Officials at the Denver Veterans Administration Hospital said Havelock was discharged Oct. 23. The FBI said smoke started pouring into the passenger cabin and a concussion was. felt just 12 minutes before the plane was to have touched down, Mrs. said a lavatory door was blown off with a rush of flames and smoke.

She said she ran to the co*ckpit, shouted to the pilot, Ken Tiegs, Littleton, a fire back and grabbed a fire extinguisher. By the time she got back, another hostess, Gunnel Erik- ETORE! Bargain basem*nt Today's Best Buy in home comfort is whole-house air you'll be doubly glad because nothing can compare with conditioning But it's an even greater value when you in- clean, efficient electric heat. stall flameless electric heat at the same time. In addition to saving on Installation costs, you'll be able to air con- Penny Power and the folks at Public Service Indiana can dition for far less because of more adequate insulation show you that by replacing your old-fashioned flame-type and low, low total electric rates. And when winter comes.

furnace you may even gain a basem*nt in the bargain. PUBLIC SERVICE Mrs. Reinbold, Of Brownstown, Dies At Age 86 Mrs. Georgia Ann Reinbold, 86 209 South Poplar street, Brownstown, a native and lifelong resident of Jackson County, died at 9:58 a. m.

Tuesday at Schneck Memorial Hospital after an illness of five weeks. She was born April 16, 1882 in Jackson County, to the late George W. Bailey and Emmeritta Brown Bailey Tuell. On May 1902, she was married, in Indianapolis, to Linzey Farris Reinbold, who preceded her in death June 28, 1948. Mrs.

Reinbold was the oldest member of the Brownstown Baptist Church. Survivors include five children, Mrs. Russell (Opal) Goen, of Brownstown, Mrs. A. J.

(Hazel) Padgett of Manhattan Beach, George Reinbold of Brownstown, Mrs. W. (Catherine) Pemberton of Springfield, and Mrs. Ralph (Eileen) McKain of Edinburg; one half-sister, Miss Ruth Tuell of Indianapolis; 13 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. One daughter and one halfsister preceded her in death.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p. m. Friday from the Brownstown Baptist Church with the Rev. Ernest Anderson, pastor, officiating. Burial in Fairview Cemetery there.

Friends may call at the Winklepleck-Weesner Funeral Home in Brownstown after 7 p. m. today and after 1 p. m. Friday at the church until time for the service.

Couple Accused Of Trying To Sell Children -Prosecutor Noble Pearcy said Tuesday he would ask a grand jury to investigate allegations an Indianapolis couple tried to sell their three children for $1,000, a television set and a used car. Pearcy said the couple has not been prosecuted because there is no state law covering the sale of children. Both the prosecutor and Scott A. McDonald, Juvenile Court referee, said they hoped the next legislature will enact legislation making it felony to offer a child for McDonald made the children, ages five, three and two, wards of the welfare department and they have been placed in foster homes. Pearcy said that after the children were gone from their homie about a week the parents, now involved in a divorce proceeding, took them back fearing an investigation.

He said the only state law covering of children makes it a misdemeanor for "selling, apprenticing or otherwise disposing of a child for certain occupations such as rope or wire walking, acrobatics, indecent or obscene violations, entertainment, begging, etc." Pearcy said it was the first case of its kind to come to his attention. Pari-Mutuel Backers Won't Accept Defeat INDIANAPOLIS (AP) ers of pari-mutuel horse race betting in Indiana aren't likely to accept defeat just because they lost the advisory referendum November 5. Official vote totals certified by Indiana's 92 county clerks show the vote was 709,119 to 616,585 against pari-mutuel betting. About 53.5 per cent voted against the proposal. But: pari-mutuel backers are sure to point out that the official totals in most areas where tracks would be located show sentiment for the proposal.

Tracks had been proposed for Indianapolis, Gary-Hammond, Fort Wayne or South Bend, Jeffersonville, Brookville, Terre Haute and Evansville. The voters in South Bend, Fort Wayne and Brookville turned down the proposal. Voters in the other areas favored it. The official totals in all the counties where tracks have been proposed was 238,987 or 54.4 per cent- -for pari-mutuel betging, and 200,311 against. Pari-mutuel backers are expected to argue that the voters in the areas most affected want horse race betting.

TWO CHILDREN DIE FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) The two young children of Mr. and Mrs. George Blackmon died within 24 hours of each other. Autopsies Monday showed that Carlette, five months, died of extensive pneumonia, and George, 18 months, died of spinal meningitis Revenue Service Gives Answers To Questions sen, 31, was calmly spraying the fire with another extinguisher.

"She was the hero, said Mrs. Wood, who is from Augsburg, Germany, Miss Eriksen is from Sweden. Plastic fixtures in the lavatory were charred and melted. The heat activated sensors which dropped oxygen masks to the passengers. The outer shell of the aircraft was not penetrated! The FBI said.

Havelock was born in Czechoslovakia, but was naturalized American citizen with 20 years military service. His wife said he also served years with the British Army. Three Policemen Hurt In High Speed Chase NEW ALBANY, Ind. (AP)Three policemen were injured in two car crashes on the Sherman Minton Bridge here Tuesday night after chasing two youths at speeds of more than 80 miles an hour. New Albany Patrolman John A.

Hadley, 23, was hospitalized. Patrolman Charles E. Reed, 28, New Albany; and Clarksville Sgt. Edward Mitchell were treated and released. The juveniles, '16 and 14, both from Madison, were not hurt.

Police said the youths' car was reported stolen in Madison. Reed fired several shots at it. During the chase, the youths' auto twice bounced off the New Albany patrol car and forced it to crash into a bridge railing, police said. Mitchell drove his car broadside' against the youths' car and apprehended the two. The juveniles face traffic charges and a charge of auto theft, police said.

Editor's Note: This column of questions and answers on federal tax matters is provided by the local office of the U. S. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public service to taxpayers. The column answers questions most frequently asked by taxpayers. Question: I started working this fall.

Will enough be taken out of my paycheck to cover the new surtax as well as the regular income tax? Answer: For most people, withholding will be sufficient to satisfy their federal tax liabilities this year as it has in the past. Withholding rates were adjusted in July to take care of the tax surcharge. As you started work after that date, tax will have been withheld at rates set to satisfy your federal income tax liability. The new tax surcharge will have effective rate of per cent in 1968. Although the tax surcharge rate is 10 per cent it is in effect for only nine months of the year for individuals.

The surcharge on corporation income is in effect for the entire 12 months of 1968. Question: Our country place was damaged by lightning. Can we deduct the loss? Answer: If the loss exceeds $100 and is not covered by insurance you may be entitled to a tax deduction. Generally, the loss is the difference in the value of the property before and after the lightning struck. For details send a post card to your District Director and ask for a free copy of Document No.

5174, Disasters, Casualties and Thefts. Question: 'Why isn't a check made out to cash acceptable as proof of a charitable contribution? Answer: To substantiate deductible expense your records must indicate, among other things, the purpose of the expense, to whom paid, as well as the amount, A check made out to cash or to yourself gives no indication by itself of the nature of the expense. This kind of check must be supported by other records, such as receipts, to be Former Morgan County Man Gets Top Medal WASHINGTON (AP) Sgt. Sammy L. Davis, 23, formerly of Martinsville R4, Ind.

was among five Army men who received Medals of Honor Tuesday from President Johnson. The President said that many bitter days and battles still lie ahead in despite the possibility of peace. "I cannot emphasize strongly enough: We have not obtained peace- only the possibility of Johnson said in a White House ceremony. Davis, a. 1966 Mooresville High School graduate whose parents have moved to Francesville, earned his medal for action taken when his artillery battery was hit by a mortar attack and ground assault near Lay Nov.

18, 1967. Despite a direct hit on his position and severe wounds, Davis, kept the howitzer going, stopping only to paddle a raft across a river to rescue three wounded comrades. Johnson said, "Five heroic sons of America came to us from the tortured fields of Vietnam-to remind us that so long as that conflict continues, our purpose and our hopes rest on the steadfast bravery of young men in battle. "Though, their spectacular courage sets them apart in select company, they represent, as well, the contribution of more than million, young Americans to a world of order and peace. "Other brave men will be called to other brave, acts, before the search for peace yields a settlement at the conference table.

But men like these have brought us the distance we have traveled. And men like these will see us the rest. of the way." Capt Angelo J. Liteky, 37, of Jacksonville, a Roman Catholic priest identified as the first chaplain to win the medal in Vietnam and only the second to ever receive the medal, was credited with carrying more than 20 wounded soldiers to an evacuation: spot Dec. 6 when the company he was with came under heavy fire near Lae.

The other three men receiving medals were Spec. Gary G. Wetzel, 21, of Oak Creek, Spec. 5. Dwight H.

Johnson, 21, of Detroit, and Capt. James A. Taylor, 30, a native of Arcata, stationed at Ft. Knox, useful in proving any deduc tions you claim. A check made out to a specific organization, a charity for example, may well be sufficient to establish that a deductible contribution has been made.

Question; I've made a SUD stantial pledge to my church's building fund. Can I take this deduction on my 1969 return if it is to my advantage? Answer: Deductions for chart table contributions can only tie taken for the tax year they are actually paid. If you pay a or part of your pledge this year then you must take the de duction on your 1968 return for the amount actually paid. To take the deduction on your 1969 return you should postpone: your payments until 1969. Question: My paycheck was a few dollars, higher last time even though my gross earnings were the same.

Are taxes lower? Answer: No, the only recept change in federal tax withholding rates was the 10 per cent increase resulting from the sure charge. Your net pay could be higher. if Social Security taxes are nO longer being withheld from your wages. An employer is required to withhold Social Security taxes only on the first $7,800 paid. After that total is these taxes no longer.

withheld so that the net amount of an employe's paycheck will go up. Question: Can I make changes in my withholding exemptions whenever I want? Answer: It depends on your employer. Many employers will let an employe change his withholding certificate at any Under the law, however, he employer is only required make payroll changes four times a year, on January May 1, July 1, or October 1: for changes filed at least day's previously. Question--Isn't the i person." who helps you prepare a taxi return responsible for its ac. curacy? Some of the things put down on the suggestion of, a tax expert were disallowed and I got billed for additional.

tax. Answer -The taxpayer: legally responsible for all the information on his return even when someone else helped hip prepare it. Your experience, shows the value of using reputable and qualified advisor's when tax help is needed. IC also demonstrates the need to, check every item carefully before the return is filed. Question--Do you need a new social security number if you' get married? Answer-No, there is no to obtain a new number.

ever, please notify the Social Security Administration of change in your name so they." can correct their records. A number of tax refunds' were delayed last year the taxpayer's name and social security number listed on the" tax return did not match the name and number in Social Security Administration Question -Do you have to pay. social security tax for household help when you pay $50 a quarter but divide it two people? Answer--You are liable. for the tax only when you pay one: person $50 or more cash wages. in a calendar quarter.

Official Says. Auto Inspection Fee Is Too Low INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -The low fee, $2.50, for motor vehicle inspections is discouraging many qualified stations from applying, an official of the Indiana Automobile Dealers Association said Tuesday. Herman Schaefer, association vice president, called for an increase in the fee when the new law goes into effect January. 1. Cost of inspections will run "twice the 12.

inspection fee the station is permitted to retain, Schaefer said. And the 50-cent. fee to be retained by the state is "twice as high as that retained by any other state where such programs are self-supporting," he said: Schaefer said the $30 annual fee inspection stations must pay should be paid just once: He said some stations may limit inspections to old customers and others may be tempted to "recover losses on inspections by rejecting vehicles to sell profitable services or cut inspections Schaefer said his association will recommend several changes: in the law to the 1900 legislature:.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.